Sunday, March 25, 2012


What am I?

What am I?

Anna's hummingbird

Mt. Benson in early Springtime in Nanaimo

One of the viewing platforms

The Red-winged Blackbird's favorite lookout

The very flighty Red-winged Blackbird 

One of the tamest birds in Buttertubs Marsh, American Robin

American Robin

Male Hooded  Merganser with a catch

Hooded Mergansers

This Great Blue Heron got a small fish just after I took this photo!

Great Blue Heron

Female and Male Mallard Ducks

Female Mallard

Spotted Towhee

The Majestic-looking Cedar Waxwing

The Cedar Waxwing with its sleek brown body and always appear to be neatly groomed all the time.

Bewick's Wren singing for a mate

Male and Female Hooded Merganser

The male House Finch

Probably one of the best times of the year to really enjoy Buttertubs Marsh is early springtime. This is the time when most of the birds fly back to Nanaimo from their winter habitat wherever that maybe. Among the early arrivals are Bewick's wren, marsh wren, Red-winged blackbird, Spotted Towhee, Pine Siskin, Dark-eyed Junco, Canada Geese, Stellar's Jay, Great Blue Heron, Mallard, Hooded Merganser and others. There's an abundance of birds that habitually stay all-year round in Buttertubs Marsh.You can find the location of Buttertubs Marsh in my wintertime posting a couple of months ago. There are numerous birds that visit this area but unfortunately majority are really so flighty and easily spooked and almost impossible to photograph. My most recent visit to Buttertubs Marsh proved to be very productive much to my enjoyment! I am quite happy to share my very recent photos with you. Enjoy!